Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Fascinating Facts About What We Eat and Drink

Why do the British drink their beer warm?

If your an American , there's nothing like a nice cold beer on a hot afternoon. The English perfer a nice warm beer, regardless of the weather. This would not be enjoyable to many of us. We are used to lager beers that are slowly bottom-brewed cold and served cold. In England the beers are quickly top-brewedand served warm, at anywhere from 50 degrees to 60 degrees F.

Another difference betwwen beers in America and England is that English beer is generally

lower in alcohol but has more body and taste. It's taste factor comes into play when serving a beer warm. Any beer that is drunk cold will have less taste. By drinking their beers warm, the English get much more of its carefully crafted flavor if not the cool refreshment we are used to in our mass-produced beers. Bearing in mind our hot summers, it's not surprising English style beers never really caught on in america. Our brewing industry came to be dominated by the german immigrants who practiced lagering a light, refreshing pilsner-style beer and set up shop in Milwaukee and St. Louis

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