Friday, July 31, 2009




Over the course of your life, you willprobably eat several pounds of dirt! It may sound like a lot, but stretched out over seventy or eighty years, it's not that much, although you could grow a nice potted plant in it. So what's the nutritional value of dirt? When it's on the surface of the Earth it's called soil and is highly nutritive to the plants growing in it. We, however, are not plants. When soil is on your skin or in your food, it's called dirt and is of no nutritional value, not even for its mineral content. Common dirt isn't bad for you, but you maybe surprised to learn about some other unsavory things found in your food.

The Food and Drug (bug) Administration allows certin amounts of dirt and other "foreign matter" to be present in foods; for instance, they allow one or more whle insects or fifty insect fragments, two or more rodant hairs, and one or more rodant excreta in every fifty grams of cornmeal. Three percent of canned peaches can be moldy or wormy. Twenty or more maggots are allowed in one hundred grams of canned mushrooms. This may sound disgusting, but bugs and worms won't hurt you and they are a good source of protein! Many of these beasties are killed durning processing. It's one thing to eat a dead worm you can't see but another to eat the live critter.

Bruce Rossmeyer Dead Harley Davidson |

Bruce Rossmeyer Dead Harley Davidson "Rossmeyer"

So Sad

Braised Pork in a Rich Glaze

This Spectacular dish regularly appears on my Menus. Country-Style ribss may be a cheaper cut, but it responds beautifuly to slow, gentle cooking, becoming meltingly tender. You may need to order this cut in advance from your butcher, or look for it in Asian markets. I like to serve this with truffle-sented Pomme Puree, lightly wilted spianch and steamed asparagus spears.

2 1/ 4 pounds Country-style porrk ribs

4 Tbsp Olive Oil

1 Carrot, chopped

1 Onion, chopped

1 leek, choped

1 Celey stalk, chopped

1/2 head garlic or 6 fat cloves, peeled

7 fl oz soy sauce

1/2 cup Sherry Vinegar

5 star anise

20 coriander seeds

10 white peppercorns

10 black peppercorns

To prepare the pork, use a sharp filleting to cut off the skin, leaving a thin layer of fat about 1/4 inch thick. remove the rib bones and discard. Even out the thickness by taking a slice from the thicker areas and placing where the meat is thinner. You should now have an even sheet of boned pork belly. Roll this up quite firmly and tie into a neat, even-shapedroll.

Heat shallow, cast iron casserole or deep saute pan ( with lid) until you feel a strong heat rising. Add 2 Tbsp oile oil, then brown the pork roast, turning until carmelized all over. Remove to a plate.

Add the remaining olive oil to the pan and saute the vegetables and garlic for about 5 minutes, Deglaze with sherry vinegar and cook until reduced by half. Return the pork to the pan, placing it on top of the vegetables.

Pour in the soy sauce and stock, then add whole spices. Bring to a boil and partially cover the pan. Braise slowly over a low heat, or in the oven at 325 degrees for 2 to 3 hours, basting occasionally with the pan juices, until the meat feels very tender. To test, push a metal sker into the middle of the roast; there should be little resistance.

Lift out the pork and set aside to rest on a warmed plate. strain the pan juices into a pan and bubble to reduce to a glossy brown glaze.

To serve, remove the stringsand cut the pork roll into portions, or thick slices. Arrange on warmed plates and surround with wilted spinach and asparagus. serve with Pomme Puree.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Palm Restaurant


Last Night I had the best time in a Kitchen ever. I did a cooking demonstration at Palm Restaurant at the Hard Rock Universal Studios. The Staff was very welcoming and the kitchen was unbelievable. If you have not been there I highly recommend you make reservations it will be well worth it. Everything there is made from Scratch and the freezer in your house is larger than the one they have in there kitchen. almost nothing is frozen there, except there deserts and ice cream, and even some of there deserts are made fresh.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

FOX Broadcasting Company: Hell's Kitchen

FOX Broadcasting Company: Hell's Kitchen: "At elimination, Joseph flames out, refusing to answer Chef Ramsay's simple question of 'first nominee,' then goes on a rant, drawing the ire of Chef Ramsay, who confronts Joseph, who completely loses it, claiming he's 'nobody's bitch.' He then tears off his chef's jacket, approaching Chef Ramsay and asking him to take it outside. The episode then ends in a dramatic face-off." I cant wait to see what happens tonight

Fascinating Facts About What We Eat and Drink

Why do the British drink their beer warm?

If your an American , there's nothing like a nice cold beer on a hot afternoon. The English perfer a nice warm beer, regardless of the weather. This would not be enjoyable to many of us. We are used to lager beers that are slowly bottom-brewed cold and served cold. In England the beers are quickly top-brewedand served warm, at anywhere from 50 degrees to 60 degrees F.

Another difference betwwen beers in America and England is that English beer is generally

lower in alcohol but has more body and taste. It's taste factor comes into play when serving a beer warm. Any beer that is drunk cold will have less taste. By drinking their beers warm, the English get much more of its carefully crafted flavor if not the cool refreshment we are used to in our mass-produced beers. Bearing in mind our hot summers, it's not surprising English style beers never really caught on in america. Our brewing industry came to be dominated by the german immigrants who practiced lagering a light, refreshing pilsner-style beer and set up shop in Milwaukee and St. Louis

Fascinating Facts About What We Eat and Drink

How do they make liquid-center chocolates?

Did you ever wonder how they get the liquid inside those soft centered chocolate candies? There are two ways to do it. The more obvious one is to make a cup-shaped piece of chocolate, fill it, and seal it with a chocolate top the more creative method involves some simple chemistry. A firm sugar center has a yeast produced enzyme added to it; this is then coated in chocolate. the enzyme goes to work on the sugar center and softens it to a creamy syrup.

Tru Blood blood orange drink inspired by HBO series in stores Sept

The once-fictional Tru Blood beverage from the HBO hit series True Blood has emerged as a real blood orange carbonated drink that will be in stores in September . Officially licensed from HBO Licensing & retail by Omni Consumer Products, the beverage boasts a crisp, slightly tart and lightly sweet tang,and the bottle has been crafted to replicate the appearance of the vampire sustenance found on the series blood type, logo and all.

"From its first season, fans have been enamored with the show and have expressed a keen interest in the Tru Blood beverage," added James Costos, Vice President, Licensing &retail at HBO. " We're extremely excited to be able to bring this drink to life."

a four pack costs $16.00

Courtesy of the Orlando Sentinel

Monday, July 27, 2009

Tapenade-Stuffed Leg of Lamb

Serves 6

  • 3 to 4 pounds bonless leg of lambboned out side
  • 1/4 cup Tapenade
  • 3 garlic cloves, sliced
  • 2 Tbsp Chopped fresh rosemary leaves just
  • fine sea salt and freshly ground pepper to taste

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F

Oil a roasting pan just large enough to hold the lamb.

Stuff the lamb spread the boned out side with tapenade then roll the lamb tightly. Tie it at 2" intervals with kitchen twine. With a small, sharp knife cut slits 2 to 3 inches apart in the top of the roast. Push the garlic slices into the slits. Sprinkle the roast all over with rosemary ,salt, and pepper.

Roast the lamb for about 1 hour 15 minutes. to check the doneness, insert your themometer into the thickest part of the meat. For med-rare the temp should be 140 degrees

let the meat rest for 30 min before serving

The Underground Orlando


This Place has alot going on! Featuring NYPD Pizza with a full game room on one side, and a full Restaurant on the other. The major downside is the Parking but I think the food is worth it. I helped create there new menu that will be rolling out very soon and i will keep you all posted.

There Fillet Mignon is hand cut and seasoned to perfection. There Nachos "Pita-Chos" as they call them are a nice change of pace using pita chips instead of your regular run of the mill Nachos.

They will also feature on the new menu a wonderful Ahi Tuna dish with a Wasabi Mashed Potato, as well as great sandwiches even a Portobello Veg Sandwich and lots of salads. I would definitely recommend stopping by for lunch or dinner even late night after the clubs there open till 3am Thurs- Sat

Oven-Roasted Turkey Breast With Leeks and Dried Fruit

Serves 6 To 8

4 Whole Leeks roots Trimed

2 Tbsp unsalted butter

2 Tbsp EVOO
Leaves from 2 freash thyme sprigs

Kosher salt and Fresh cracked black pepper

1 whole 5 to 6 pound Turkey on the bone

1/4 cup raisins

1/4 golden raisins
1/2 cup dried apricots, halved

Trim off most of the dark green parts of the leeks, leaving the white and just an inch or two of the light green parts. Cut the leeks almost in half lenghthwise, leaving the halves attached at the root end. Rinse under cool running water, separating the leaves gently to rinse out the sand that hides in there. Pat the leeks dry. heat 1 Tbsp each of butter and olive oil in a roasting pan over medium heat. Add leeks, sprinkle with thyme, salt, and pepper and cook about 10 minutes, turning every now and then, until the leeks are softened but not colored. Pull the leeks out of the pan and let them cool.

Meanwhile use a sharp, thin knife to cut down the lengh of the turkey breastbone. Then,holding the knife as flat as possible against tthe bone follow the shape of the carcass to cut one breast off the bone. Do the same for the second breast. Wrap one of the breast and refiigerate or freeze for another use. Butterfly the the remaining breast. Put it on a cutting board so that it lies vertically skin side down. get yourself a large knife. Cutting parallel to the cutting board, cut the breast almost in half, just stopping short of the outside edge. Open out the two halves as if you were opening a book. Now you've got a large piece of meat that will cook evenly and is this enough to roll.

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F

Sprinle the cut surface of the turkey with salt and pepper and lay the leeks vertically, side by side, on the left side. Scatter the dried fruit over the leeks. Now, starting with the left side, roll the turkey over the filling and into a cylinder. Tie in 4 places with kitchen twine season with salt and pepper.

Heat the remaining tablespoon of butter and olive oil in the same roasting pan over med-high heat. put the in the roasting pan and sear on all sides.Transfer the pan to the oven and roast for about 20 minutes untill your thermometer reads 160 degrees F remove from oven and allow it to rest for 5 to 10 minutes, cut crosswise into slices and serve

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Pan-fried sirloin with simple Chianti Butter sauce and olive oil Mash

Often rewarding is a simple way of cooking and serving steak. This is one, need a little of the sauce just to drizzle over the top of the meat and the mashed potatoes. It's Great!

Serves 2

Put the potatoes into a large pan of salted water, bring to a boil and simmer untill soft and tender Drain them, and allow to set for 4 minutes to steam away any excess moisture. Return them to pan and mash them up, stirring in a large 1/4 cup of olive oil, The Parmesan and butter. Taste, season then transfer to a bowl, cover with plastic wrap and place over a simmering pot of water to keep warm.
Heat a heavy frying pan, use one large enough to allow both steaks not to touch. Season and brush with olive oil. Using tongs, hold the fatty-edge of the stead down in the pan to render and color the fat. When fat is golden, fry for 8 minutes in total for medium-rare. Every minute turn them. Remove from the pan to allow steaks to rest.
Turn the heat down and add teaspoon of butter. Fry shallots and thyme for 4 minutes, add the wine and reduce by half. Pour in the resting juices from the meat, add the two teaspoons of butter and take the pan off the heat. Srir around to emulsify and make a really simple red wine sauce, Tase, season and plate with steak and olive-oil mashed patatoes with a scattering of watercress and a drixxle of good olive oil.
For the Olive-oil Mashed Potatoes,
14 oz potatoes, peeled and halved
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
olive oil
small handful of freshly grated Parmasan cheese
teaspoon of butter
For the Steaks
2 x 7 oz sirloin steaks
preferably free=range or organic,
1 inch thick, fat scored
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
olive oil
two teaspoons of butter
2 shallots or 1 small red onion, peeled and finely diced
a few sprigs of fresh thme, leaces picked
1 large wineglass of Chianti
a few sprigs of watercress
good-quality extra virgin olive oil


Well, I have decided Orlando needs to know what's going on in the Culinary World and whose cooking these wonderful dishes and some not so wonderful. So stay tuned there's lots more to come...
Chef Ed Hollingsworth